Gone are the days when a web browser used to be defined as something which renders HTML and shows you web pages. Now, its about a lot more. How much functionality it has, what innovative things you can do with it, how easy it is to use and above all how fast it is.
The Infamous Internet Exploder ( oops.. Explorer ) held the roost for sometime that is until Firefox came to the scene and changed everything. Just we were wondering that it could not get better than Firefox, not so surprisingly Google came out with Chrome. The way Google is colonising everything web, sometimes I have a fantasy that one day we will have everything Google... Google softdrinks, Google baby food, Google buses, trains... even Google Guitars (GG).
Now talking about Chrome. It is an experience in itself. Being one of the first users of Chrome when it released in 2008, i had written THIS ARTICLE ON CHROME. Even back then on September 2008, I felt Google had made a revolutionary thing here. If you have not tried Google Chrome, PLEASE DO ! Its FREE.
The main point of writing this post is to share a few wonderful extensions to Chrome which I have come to love. Even you should try these:
1. Speed Dial. This is clearly the most impressive of the extensions. Its about two things, Quick access to your favorite websites and LOOKS LOOKS LOOKS !
Generally, in Chrome it will show a number of most visited websites. but now .....
You can permanently set your favorite websites buttons on the home page and give a classy logo as the button. The best part is you can choose how many buttons you want. You can also set a customized background image....
Look at the regular Chrome look.......
And the one after adding speed dial (BTW this is my own homepage screenshot ! )
2. Youtube Downloader : All of us need to download videos from Youtube sometime or the other, and I have seen people do this through so many elaborate ways. Now to end all woes, just add this extension and the download button will appear in Youtube page only, you can download flv or mp4 format.
3. Chromed Bird : If you are a Twitter Fan, only then use this. But if you are then its great. You can view practically everything from the add-on itself.
Let me know if you install any of these..... in the COMMENTS below : :)