Satva is the quality or state of our being where we feel happy, light, contented, peaceful and at the same time not lethargic and dull.
When I heard Guruji said that 3 things are necessary for any work to happen successfully. You should have :
2. Hardwork
3. Satva
I instantly connected to this because many times it happened that though I gave my best by working very hard for a goal but the target was not achieved or even if the work was done, I did not feel thoroughly satisfied with it. And dont we hate those days when everything that we plan, right from taking a shower to attending a function goes haywire.... That day just "NOTHING SEEMS TO WORK!"
And dont we love those days where everything happens just so easily and spontaneously... when we are feeling light and all work gets done. Satva is high in this case.
So the ultimate thing for a work to be done is to increase our SAtva and work for the end result.
As Rishi Vidyadharji says "How to increase satVA? SADHANA-SEVA-SATSANG. "
Namaste Vivek,
Indeed, Satva is what we require in abundance in our lives. Life yearns for betterment and it is through the maintenance of 'Satva" in our lives that we can enrich it.
I m making two baskets full of soap and baby care products like powder, baby lotion and all sort of stuff for my sister for Christmas because she has a girl and another one due this week... what all should i put in the baskets?
I m making two baskets full of soap and baby care products like powder, baby lotion and all sort of stuff for my sister for Christmas because she has a girl and another one due this week... what all should i put in the baskets?
You've obviously been there and done that and sharing, as you do, that the goal of $$ isn't as viable as the goal of making a difference in whatever you do is a message that more people need to take to heart.
You've obviously been there and done that and sharing, as you do, that the goal of $$ isn't as viable as the goal of making a difference in whatever you do is a message that more people need to take to heart.
Awesome information I found that I was totally unaware with satva. I would like to be successful by using these three keywords Imagination, Hardwork, Satva. Thanks for the valuable information.
There's bound to be some moaning and groaning just like when Madison Square Park improvements were rolled out, but let's have our collective praise drown our the mumble and grumble of car loving curmudgeons.
Satva is a state of harmony, balance, joy and intelligence. Satva is the guna that yogi/nis achieve towards as it reduces rajas and tamas and thus makes liberation possible.
I get the birdie boys out of the cage for a stretch. This gives me only enough freedom for a quick FB chat, then the computer is off and I'm out of the house again.
I have to keep up with it, or the roots (remember my ‘natural’ color is very, very dark brown) look horrible after only a few weeks.
There and done that and sharing, as you do, that the goal of $$ isn't as viable as the goal of making a difference in whatever you do is a message that more people need to take to heart.
Clearly the sattvic guna (truth, wisdom, godliness) is predominant in anyone who is an enthusiast for spirituality. Tamas (lethargy, sloth, indolence) is contrary both to spirituality and to emotional intelligence. Rajas (activity) can be directed to spiritual and/or emotional progress, but doesn't have to be
Satva is the good or elevated quality of live - a way of living that leads us to happiness and enjoyment, irrespective of the results of our action. It leads us to thoughtful work without any expectation. Here we do our work considering it as our laid down duty and we stop bothering about the results and keep no expectations.
How do you take care of baby floating turtles?
I've been reading these questions tonight and see many people get worked up over certain subjects. What subjects do you feel strongly about in regards to raising your child. Diet, breast feeding, circumcision, vaccinations - all of you make good points - from both sides.
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